HASSE Space School, a renowned institution providing space education, is all set to participate in the Chiang Mai Education Fair, scheduled to take place on February 24th at the Shangri-LA Hotel from 9 am to 5 pm. The event aims to bring together schools, parents, and students interested in space education to visit HASSE’s booth Nr.9, which is located nearby the presentation platform.
The HASSE team will be present at the event to interact with school representatives and parents who are keen to learn more about space education. The team will offer customized courses to schools and help enhance their teaching on space-related topics, with the support of NASA specialists.
Parents and students who are eager to improve their learning skills from NASA experts will also have a chance to participate in a camp in Houston this summer. The camp will provide a unique opportunity for students to learn from experienced space educators and enhance their knowledge of the space field.
“We are excited to participate in the Chiang Mai Education Fair and showcase our expertise in space education,” said a spokesperson for HASSE Space School. “Our team is looking forward to interacting with school representatives and parents to discuss our customized courses and the camp opportunities for students in Houston.”