ISS Program Scientist, Dr. Liz Warren, Speaks to HASSE students

On July 7, 2017, Dr. Warren gave an inspiring speech to the young generation
at HASSE Space School that attracted student’s attention to the edge of their chairs.

She shared about her first-hand experience as a NASA scientist and encouraged students that life is an ongoing learning experience.
Her presentation gave insight about the spaceflight and changes that goes through an astronaut’s body through space travel.
Dr. Warren also shares with the students her duties as a NASA Scientist for the International Space Station Medical Project,
such as providing appetizing food and optimal nutrition for space travel.
Dr. Warren is involved with making discoveries that will take us beyond the current thresholds of technology, engineering, and science.

HASSE Co-Founder James Liu and Dr. Liz Warren

Students immediately followed up with interesting questions eager to learn more about how Dr. Warren became a NASA scientist.
She highlighted that everything she accomplished throughout her education played a vital part that has prepared her for this current moment.
She encouraged students to dive into all areas of learning and to not be afraid to step outside of their comfort zone,
as there are various careers and education pathways to reach their goals and dreams.

She also encouraged girls to study STEM despite the status quo.
Students enjoyed Dr. Warren’s insight about her career as a NASA scientist and kept the questions rolling.
Dr. Warren shared tips and stressed how important written and oral communication skills are as a scientist.

All felt inspired by her motivational speech and Dr. Warren also enjoyed speaking to the students at HASSE Space School.
Overall, students left feeling recharged and empowered by her presentation.

Dr. Liz Warren

Dr. Liz warren, worked as a NASA scientist in the International Space Station Program,
who received her Ph. D in Molecular, Cellular, and integrative physiology at the University of California, Davis.
Dr. Warren also worked at NASA’s Johnson Space Center as the Lead of Operations for the ISS Medical and Human Research Program.

Currently Dr Warren is an Associate ISS Program Scientist at the Center for the Advancement of Science In Space
which is involved with making discoveries that will take us beyond the current thresholds of science, engineering, technology
and education to create a more vibrant and thriving future for citizens of the world.